Research & Sponsored Projects Policies ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Search by policy title keyword A Allegations of Research Misconduct Animal Care and Use Policy Award Management and Closeout C Categorization of External Funding Chemical Hygiene and Communications Classified Research Copyright Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects Cost Transfers on Sponsored Projects D Direct Charging of Administrative Costs Associated with Sponsored Projects E Effort Reporting Export Control I Identification and Treatment of Unallowable Costs on Sponsored Projects L Laser Safety Policy M Managing Program Income Generated on Sponsored Projects Policy P Patents and Scholarly Work Public Access to NIH-Funded Publications R Research Involving Human Participants Policy U Use of Federal Funds to Influence a Federal Award Use of Radioactive Materials Use of Recombinant DNA (rDNA) Policy Use of Select Agents and Potentially Hazardous Biological Materials Policy