University Policy Principles

The following principles outline the purpose and standards of university policies.

Broad Applicability

University policies have broad application throughout the university. They do not impact one singular unit but rather apply broadly to members of the university community such as faculty, staff, or students. Each university-level policy indicates which population(s) are included within its scope. To understand each population group, a description of the various members of the GW community is provided to policy owners. 

Clear and Concise

A university policy is written in a way such that it is clear and easily understood by members of the community so that they may make informed, timely decisions.

Enhance Operational Efficiencies and Continuity

University policies help the institution operate efficiently and consistently. They allow staff to initiate actions, assume responsibility, and empower members of the community to make decisions quickly while achieving rational outcomes. University policies also provide a basis for institutional continuity over time and through personnel changes.

Establish Accountability

University policies may establish behavioral expectations for members of the community to which they are held accountable. University policies may be a source of reference for individuals to review and see if they are meeting those expectations.

Reduce Risk

University policies may support compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, a relevant, properly implemented, and executed university policy can reduce the risk of harm to the individual or university.


University policies specify course of action for policy violations so that members of the community understand consequences if established expectations are not met.

Routinely Reviewed

The university routinely engages in a review of university policies. Recently, the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk (OECR) has instituted a University Policy Review Schedule in an effort to prioritize effective reviews for each Responsible Office. Responsible Offices will review their policies every other year on an established schedule. For instance, if a policy is reviewed in the 2024-2025 academic year, it will be up for review again in the 2026-2027 academic year. A review process may be initiated for a policy outside of the set cycle as a result of a regulatory change, or operational or risk-based need.

As a result of a policy review, it may be determined that a policy requires (a) No Changes, (b) Minor Changes - changes that do not alter the position or spirit of the policy such as modifications to job titles, phone numbers, email addresses, website links, office names, or updating text to align with current practice, (c) Material Changes - changes that affect the position, meaning, or spirit of the policy as a result of changes in business principles or applicable laws or regulations, or (d) Elimination - determination that the policy is no longer applicable as a result of a changed regulation, law, operations, or university expectations. 

OECR will internally maintain the full review and revision history for each university policy using a policy management tool. The Policy Origination Date, Last Material Change, Next Scheduled Review, and a comment directing community members where to provide feedback are publicly available online on each policy. In instances where the Policy Origination Date is unknown, the university will provide the year that the policy was known to exist based on the first tracked revision. For example, if the university is aware that an unknown-originated policy was revised in April 2017, the origination date will be "Origination Date Unknown but Before 2017". If a Last Material Change is not identified, the policy has not been materially revised since its origination date (please note that it may have had minor changes that are tracked internally). If you have questions related to an origination or revision date please contact OECR at [email protected]. Please also contact our team if you are an owner or approver of university policies and believe you need access to the policy management tool.