Ethics Matter

Ethics Matter header "We commit to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all our actions.


Are actions aligning with GW's values & Code of Ethical Conduct?

Are actions complying with the law and GW policies?


Speak up in the event that you experience actions that are inconsistent with or do not support compliance with GW's values, ethical standards, policies, or the law. The following are avenues for reporting*:

Report to your supervisor, department head, or HR Business Partner (if applicable)

Confidential reporting with the option of anonymity via EthicsPoint or 1-888-508-5275

Other specific reporting avenues based on subject matter can be found on the Reporting Webpage

*Retaliation against individuals who make a good-faith report of possible unethical conduct or violations of laws, regulations, or university policies, and/or who provide information or participate in a complaint review process, is prohibited. Retaliation is materially adverse employment or academic action, harassment, intimidation, threats, or coercion, intended to punish or discourage an individual or group of individuals from engaging in protected activity. (Non-Retaliation Policy).

Not sure what to do?

The Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk is just a click ([email protected]) or phone call (202-994-3386) away.