Media Relations Policy
Policy Summary
All engagements with media representatives on behalf of the George Washington University ("GW" or "university") are to be coordinated by the Office of Media Relations in order to promote and protect the public image of the university, build openness and accountability, and respect the media's legitimate and useful role. This policy provides guidance on official media roles within the university and on working with the Office of Media Relations, members of the media, and outlets.
This policy defines how the university should engage with the media to effectively showcase the university’s academic, research, and service strengths to enable the university to speak with a single voice on all matters pertaining to its operations and values.
For additional guidance contact the Office of Media Relations.
Who is Governed by this Policy
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
- Student Employees
The university strives to engage the media in an honest and collaborative manner to build the university's image and reputation and disseminate accurate information in a timely manner. To achieve these goals, the university facilitates those who can speak on its behalf.
- The Office of Media Relations should be notified about all media inquiries, including student media publications, in writing. All interview requests for experts as well as requests to cover onsite visits should be routed for approval in writing to the Office of Media Relations.
- All university press releases, media statements, media outreach, and advisories must be coordinated and approved by the Office of Media Relations.
- Faculty and staff are encouraged to share their scholarship, news, and expertise with the media. This can best be accomplished by coordinating with the Office of Media Relations. Once made aware of a faculty member’s or staff person’s desire to share expertise, the Office of Media Relations will contact the faculty or staff member to coordinate statements and activities.
- Only the President, the Vice President for Communications and Marketing, the Associate Vice President for Communications, and the Executive Director of Media Relations or their designees are authorized to speak or communicate on behalf of the university. Other faculty, staff, students, or administrators shall not represent themselves as speaking for the university unless authorized to do so by the Office of Media Relations.
- Students may interact with members of the media in their capacity as students in accordance with the Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities. However, student employees should consult with their supervisors before responding to a media inquiry related to their role as a student employee, who will then relay the request to the Office of Media Relations.
- Faculty, staff members, and students shall not attribute their personal views as those of the university unless authorized by the Office of Media Relations to do so.
- Members of the media (e.g., NBC-TV 4, The Washington Post, WTOP Radio) must be accompanied by an Office of Media Relations staff member at all locations on campus during an onsite visit.
- Sidewalks throughout the university are public property and media presence there does not require an escort, but the presence of an Office of Media Relations staff member is preferable.
- The university grants approval on a very limited basis for commercial filming and photography. Prior approval from the Office of Media Relations is required. Email [email protected] to request the film proposal request form.
A Guide to Practical Application of the George Washington University’s Media Policy is available online.
Related Information
- Athletes & Recreation: Student Athlete Handbook
- Audit Notification Policy
- Commercial Advertising Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities
Contact | Phone Number | Email Address |
Office of Media Relations | 202-994-6460 | [email protected] |
Responsible University Official: Vice President for Communications and Marketing
Responsible Office: Office Communications and Marketing
Origination Date: September 9, 2013
Last Material Change: October 31, 2015
Next Scheduled Review: August 2025
To provide feedback on this policy, please contact the Responsible Office(s) listed above or the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk. More information describing university policies is outlined in the University Policy Principles.
Noncompliance with this policy can be reported through this website.