Visiting Scholars Policy
Policy Summary
The George Washington University (“GW” or university”) recognizes the value of hosting individuals from outside entities as Visiting Scholars in support of GW’s mission as a preeminent, global, research university. However, proper oversight over these Visiting Scholars is essential to protecting the university’s interests, including those relating to intellectual property and compliance with federal sponsor requirements for research. Visiting Scholars are subject to GW policies and procedures during their time at the university and academic units responsible for hosting Visiting Scholars (“Hosting Academic Unit”) and individuals assigned to host Visiting Scholars (“Visiting Scholar Hosts”) must comply with the requirements for selection, onboarding, supervision, and departure of Visiting Scholars.
This policy establishes expectations of Visiting Scholars and the roles and responsibilities of Hosting Academic Units and Visiting Scholar Hosts.
Who is Governed by this Policy
- Visiting Scholars to GW
- Faculty
- Staff
Definition of a Visiting Scholar
A Visiting Scholar is an individual who comes to GW for a specific, limited scholarly or research purpose or academic study or collaboration, such as working with university faculty on, or using university facilities for, a project, or observing/learning research techniques at GW, for reasons unrelated to the pursuit or conferral of a degree. Visiting Scholars must (a) have a terminal degree or equivalent or be a recognized expert in their field, (b) be visiting from and affiliated with an outside institution or organization, (c) have a source of financial support from outside GW, and (d) be hosted by a GW academic unit. Individual schools and departments may establish more restrictive eligibility criteria.
The Hosting Academic Unit for the Visiting Scholar may be a department and their respective school or a non-school academic unit that ultimately reports to the Provost. Visiting Scholars are invited by a specific academic unit at GW and must be approved in advance by the academic unit dean or unit head for academic units without a dean and the Office of the Provost. Visiting Scholars will be assigned a Visiting Scholar Host (sponsor), typically a faculty member or senior leader in the academic unit to which the Visiting Scholar is assigned (often an individual whom the Visiting Scholar may be collaborating with), to facilitate the Visiting Scholar pre-approval process and serve as a resource once the Visiting Scholar arrives on campus. Visiting Scholar Hosts and Visiting Scholars must complete the applicable Visiting Scholar procedures prior to a Visiting Scholar's arrival and during the pre-approval process.
The Visiting Scholar visit can be up to one year, with the possibility of a one-year extension (for a total of two years). Any Visiting Scholar visit beyond two years must be with compelling justification and approved by the dean or unit head for academic units without a dean and the Office of the Provost. A Visiting Scholar visit may be terminated by GW at any time and for any reason, subject to the approval of the dean or unit head for academic units without a dean and the Office of the Provost.
Visiting Scholars are unpaid and are not employees, GW students, or independent contractors of GW and have no authority to act on behalf of GW. Visiting Scholars are generally not entitled to receive compensation from GW, including reimbursement or benefits available to GW employees, such as but not limited to paid holidays, paid vacation, paid sick leave, long or short-term disability, or eligibility to participate in retirement plans. In limited circumstances, Visiting Scholars may receive a stipend with approval from the dean or unit head for academic units without a dean and the Office of the Provost.
Visiting Scholar designations are courtesy designations. Visiting Scholars may not apply for external grants and contracts as a representative of, or on behalf of GW, but may indicate their Visiting Scholar designation in their curriculum vitae in the honors (not appointments or employment) section.
University Policies Applicable to Visiting Scholars
Visiting Scholars are generally subject to GW policies that apply to faculty and researchers, including but not limited to policies on intellectual property, export controls, conflict of interest and commitment, responsible conduct of research, non-discrimination and harassment, and information technology during their stay at GW, though applicability may vary depending on the Visiting Scholar’s role at GW. Visiting Scholars do not have the rights contained in the Faculty Code. Visiting Scholars are not considered faculty, and thus, may not serve as the instructor of record for any course offered for credit at GW. The Hosting Academic Unit is responsible for ensuring that the Visiting Scholar receives information about and complies with the applicable GW policies and applicable law.
Visiting Scholar Obligations
Conflict of Interest and Federal Award Submissions
All Visiting Scholars working on federal awards or otherwise receiving federal funds must comply and disclose conflicts of interest in accordance with GW’s Policy on Outside Interests, Relationships, and Professional Activities.
Background Screenings
Individuals must have a successful completion of a background screening to be eligible to be a Visiting Scholar.
If the Visiting Scholar is a foreign national, the individual must have an appropriate visa as required by the U.S. Department of State. The visa must be in effect for the duration the Visiting Scholar will be on GW's campus.
Before considering sponsoring an international Visiting Scholar, Hosting Academic Units should read the International Service Office (“ISO”) webpage on GW J-1 visa sponsorship and the departmental responsibilities section on ISOGateway to be familiar with the requirements and responsibilities of sponsorship.
Visiting Scholars must undergo training assigned by the Hosting Academic Unit or other university unit (e.g., research-related training) as deemed applicable for their role at GW. The Hosting Academic Unit must ensure that the Visiting Scholar completes the assigned trainings following the submission of the Visiting Scholar request form and execution of the Visiting Scholar Agreement.
Medical Insurance
GW requires all Visiting Scholars to have medical insurance for themselves during their time on campus. It is the responsibility of the Hosting Academic Unit to ensure that the Visiting Scholar has adequate medical insurance coverage during the term that the Visiting Scholar is on campus.
Technology Control and Intellectual Property
Visiting Scholars may be subject to technology control plans, intellectual property agreements, or other requirements specific to the research to which they are contributing or collaborating while at GW. The Hosting Academic Unit is responsible for collaborating with relevant GW offices to ensure the Visiting Scholar’s compliance with these requirements.
Visiting Scholar Privileges
Upon arrival to the university, the Hosting Academic Unit will provide support to the Visiting Scholar in obtaining a GWID, GW email, and GWorld card. Hosting Academic Units will ensure that Visiting Scholars have facility, systems, and equipment access appropriate to the purpose of the Visiting Scholar’s visit at the university and designated facility space as agreed upon in advance in the formal invitation to the Visiting Scholar. Facilities or systems access will be at the discretion of the Hosting Academic Unit in consultation with GW IT and the Office of the Export Control Officer. In addition, all Visiting Scholars will have access to those facilities generally accessible to all faculty from the Hosting Academic Unit. Unless otherwise agreed upon in advance, the Visiting Scholar will not be provided GW funds for research-related costs and fees including but not limited to Core Facility usage and travel.
Accountability and Oversight
The Office of the Provost and the Hosting Academic Unit have ultimate accountability and oversight authority over Visiting Scholars. However, Visiting Scholar-related processes and procedures developed by academic units to comply with this Visiting Scholars Policy, including but not limited to processes and procedures on export control and restricted party screening, and facility and data access, must comply with GW research security expectations and standards and be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Integrity and Compliance.
The Hosting Academic Unit is responsible for sponsoring the Visiting Scholar as an affiliate of the university to obtain a GW UserID and/or GWorld Card. Visiting Scholar records, including those relating to Visiting Scholar applications, visa records, agreements, and documentation upon termination of a Visiting Scholar visit (e.g., documentation regarding termination of GW facility and systems access) will be maintained in accordance with the university’s Record Retention Schedule for academic appointments. The Hosting Academic Unit is also responsible for maintaining records related to Visiting Scholars within the unit in accordance with the Hosting Academic Unit’s Visiting Scholar procedures and in a manner designated and approved by the Office of the Provost.
Prior to the scheduled end of a Visiting Scholar’s visit, the Visiting Scholar Host shall receive notification of the pending termination of the visit and all related GW accounts, access, and affiliate status. Should the Visiting Scholar be eligible for an extended stay, the Hosting Academic Unit shall be responsible for requesting this extension via the Office of the Provost prior to the completion of the Visiting Scholar's visit.
Upon completion of the Visiting Scholar's visit, all related GW accounts, access, and affiliate status will be terminated. On or before the Visiting Scholar's last day, the Hosting Academic Unit is responsible for collecting from the Visiting Scholar and returning to the appropriate department all GW-issued equipment, keys, access cards, and other GW property issued to the Visiting Scholar during their visit and ensuring, in coordination with the appropriate departments, that all facility and system access, including, e.g., GW email, is terminated.
Should the Visiting Scholar's Visit be terminated for any reason prior to the previously scheduled end of the visit, the Visiting Scholar Host is responsible for notifying in writing, the Hosting Academic Unit and the Office of the Provost of the Visiting Scholar's departure from GW as soon as it is known, but no later than the last day of the visit.
Procedures related to requesting a Visiting Scholar and the Visiting Scholar Request Form can be found here.
Contact | |
Office of the Provost | [email protected] |
Responsible University Official: Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: Office of the Provost
Origination Date: March 18, 2024
Last Material Change: N/A
Next Scheduled Review: August 2026
To provide feedback on this policy, please contact the Responsible Office(s) listed above or the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk. More information describing university policies is outlined in the University Policy Principles.
Noncompliance with this policy can be reported through this website.