Flexible Work Arrangements Policy

Policy Summary

The university permits the use of flexible work arrangements when such arrangements are pre-approved, assist in meeting operational needs and/or requirements, and maintain a high level of service for university constituents. There may also be times when a department’s needs require that certain positions follow flexible work arrangements.

Who is Governed by this Policy 

  • Staff1


When a staff member, his or her supervisor, and the appropriate assistant vice president, associate vice provost, or vice president all agree that a flexible work arrangement is appropriate, a written agreement between the university and the staff member must be completed setting forth the specifics of the flexible work arrangement. Human Resource Management and Development, in consultation with the staff member and his or her immediate supervisor, will assist in finalizing the appropriate agreement and verifying that all necessary approvals have been obtained. A flexible work arrangement may be revoked at any time, and for any reason, by the university. 

1If there is a direct conflict between this policy and an applicable collective bargaining agreement, the collective bargaining agreement will prevail.


Adjusted Meal Period: An arrangement that allows a full-time staff member to extend his or her meal period up to a maximum of two hours, but still work a full day. 

Alternative Work Schedules: Different approaches to a full time traditional work-week, such as: Flex Time, Adjusted Meal Period, Compressed Work Week, and Compressed Two Week Work Period.  

Compressed Two Week Work Period: An arrangement that permits a full time exempt work staff member to work an 80 hour two week work period during 9 days and have the tenth day off.   

Compressed Work Week: An arrangement that allows full time exempt and non-exempt staff members to work 40 hours in less than five (5) working days.   

Flex Time: An arrangement that allows a full time exempt or non-exempt staff member to work with his or her supervisor to set the work day starting and ending times that may differ from others in the unit; requires that an employee work the core hours identified by the department and, for non-exempt employees, they are paid based on hours worked, entitled to overtime pay, and entitled to a lunch break.


Related Information


ContactPhone NumberEmail Address
Human Resource Management and Development202-994-8500 askhr@gwu.edu

Responsible University Official: Vice President and Chief People Officer
Responsible Office: Human Resource Management and Development

Origination Date: January 1, 2005
Last Material Change: July 16, 2021
Next Scheduled Review: August 2026

To provide feedback on this policy, please contact the Responsible Office(s) listed above or the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk. More information describing university policies is outlined in the University Policy Principles.
Noncompliance with this policy can be reported through this website.