Firearms and Weapons

Policy Summary

The university is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment to conduct educational, social, and research activities. All members of the university community, as well as visitors, are prohibited from possessing unconcealed and concealed firearms, explosives, or weapons (hereafter referred to as “weapons”) on the premises of the university without the explicit advance authorization of the university, regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor. This policy is a proactive step towards reducing the risk of injury or death associated with intentional or accidental use of weapons.

Who is Governed by this Policy

  • Students
  • Staff
  • Faculty
  • Visitors


All faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the university are strictly prohibited from possessing concealed or unconcealed firearms, ammunition for any caliber of firearm, explosives, or weapons (hereafter referred to as “weapons”) on the premises of the university without the explicit advance authorization of the university, regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor. The only permitted exceptions to this policy are as follows:

A. Commissioned law enforcement officers to the extent they are legally permitted to possess weapons in the jurisdiction in which the university premises are located may do so on the premises of the university in such jurisdiction while on duty, or in the performance of their duties. For instance, Metropolitan Police Department officers who are legally permitted to possess weapons in the District of Columbia may possess such weapons on the Foggy Bottom or Mount Vernon campuses.

B. Persons authorized by their employer, and duly licensed and legally permitted under the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are located to possess weapons, (such as employees of armored car services that collect or transport cash, checks, valuables, etc.) may do so on the premises of the university in such jurisdiction while on duty, or in the performance of their duties.

C. Persons in the military in performance of their official duties to the extent they are legally permitted to possess weapons in the jurisdiction in which they are located may do so on the premises of the university in such jurisdiction. 

D. Faculty or staff legally permitted to possess weapons in the jurisdiction in which they are located may do so on the premises of the university in such jurisdiction if they are part of an academic or research activity only. Persons subject to this exemption must obtain the explicit advance authorization from the university by making written application to the Chief, GW Police Department.

E. University-sanctioned groups or events where a particular weapon(s) is a required part of the curriculum or activity, for example, martial arts classes/clubs; fencing classes/clubs; theatrical events, etc. Persons subject to this exemption must obtain the explicit advance authorization from the university by making written application to the Chief, GW Police Department.

Anyone possessing a weapon other than those in the exception categories will be asked to remove it from university premises immediately. They may also be subject to arrest and/or disciplinary action.

Any individual seeking an exception to this policy must request it in writing to the Chief, GW Police Department at [email protected]. The Chief will review the request with the Vice President for Safety and Facilities and the Vice President and General Counsel and respond in writing if the exception is granted or denied. Only under the most unusual circumstance will a request for an exception be granted. If an exception is granted to a faculty member, staff, or student, the notation “FWP” will be placed in the comment section of the individual’s Banner record, indicating they are approved to carry a firearm on campus. Questions about the applicability of this policy to specific items may be directed to the Vice President for Safety and Facilities.

Any student, faculty, or staff member violating this policy shall be subject to the disciplinary policies and procedures applicable to students, faculty, or staff.

Additionally, possession of unlicensed firearms or weapons will result in confiscation and may lead to criminal prosecution by the appropriate jurisdiction. 


Firearm: Any device that shoots a bullet, pellet, flare, tranquilizer, spear dart, or other projectile, whether loaded or unloaded, including those powered by CO2. This includes, but is not limited to, guns, air guns, dart guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, cannons, and plastic firearms made with 3-D printers and copying technology, and any ammunition for any such device. 
Weapon: Any device that is designed to or traditionally used to inflict harm. This includes, but is not limited to: 1) firearms, slingshots, switchblades, daggers, blackjacks, brass knuckles, bows and arrows, hand grenades, hunting knives, nunchucks, throwing stars, etc.; 2) any object that could be reasonably construed as a weapon; or 3) any object legally controlled as a weapon or treated as a weapon under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the University premises is located. 

Explosives: Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing and combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportion, quantities, or packing that an ignition or detonation by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, static, RF (radio frequency) Energy or detonator, or any part of the compound or mixture, may cause a sudden generation of highly heated gases that results in gaseous pressures capable of producing destructive efforts on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. This includes, but is not limited to, firecrackers, black powder, dynamite, plastic explosives, or any improvised compound with the same properties etc. as well as detonating devices such as detonators, blasting caps, timers, incendiary wire, and the like. 

Related Information


ContactPhone NumberEmail Address
GW Police Department

202-994-6111 (Emergency)

202-994-6110 (Non-Emergency)

[email protected]
Human Resource Management and Development202-994-8500[email protected]
Conflict Education & Student Accountability202-994-6757[email protected]
Faculty Affairs202-994-6783 [email protected]

Responsible University Official: Chief of Police
Responsible Office: GW Police Department

Origination Date: Origination Date Unknown but Before 2014
Last Material Change: March 14, 2017

More information describing university policies is outlined in the University Policy Principles.
Noncompliance with this policy can be reported through this website.