Sleeping in Public Areas of University-Owned, Controlled, or Leased Property Policy

Policy Summary

The purpose of this policy is to promote a safe campus environment, discourage vagrancy in public areas of university owned, controlled or leased property, and to present a positive public image of the university.  

Who is Governed by this Policy 

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students


It is a violation of university policy for individuals to use public areas of university owned, controlled or leased property for the purposes of sleeping in public areas without express permission from the university.  It is expected that couches, benches and the like that are made available by the university in public areas will be used for seating and not for sleeping or lying down.  

Public areas include, but are not limited to, sidewalks, benches, office lounge areas, steps/stairs on university owned or leased property, academic and non-academic facilities (including lecture halls, classrooms and libraries), atria, waiting areas, hallways, stairways, university yards or plazas, athletic facilities and/or dining facilities.

GWPD officers also have discretion to ask non-university affiliated individuals found to be in violation of this policy to leave university premises, and have the authority to bar non-university affiliated individuals from returning to any property owned, controlled or leased by the university in accordance with the policy regarding Barring People from Campus.

Related Information

Barring People from Campus Policy


ContactPhone NumberEmail Address
GW Police Department

202-994-6111 (Emergency)

202-994-6110 (Non-Emergency)

[email protected]

Responsible University Official: Chief of Police
Responsible Office: GW Police Department

Origination Date: Origination Date Unknown but Before 2006
Last Material Change: March 15, 2017
Next Scheduled Review: August 2026

To provide feedback on this policy, please contact the Responsible Office(s) listed above or the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk. More information describing university policies is outlined in the University Policy Principles.
Noncompliance with this policy can be reported through this website.